About Us
The Sentral Illinois Radio Society, Inc. (SIRS) Model Airplane Club is a not for profit organization devoted to enjoying and promoting the hobby of Model Aviation.
Our club members range in age from teens to octogenarians and fly models of all varieties including: Radio Controlled model airplanes, helicopters, gliders, and “drones”, free flight model airplanes and control line (fly on wires) models. We not only fly our models, but some members also build and/or design their models or their essential components.
The SIRS Club owns a 4+ acre flying field for the use of our members and guests, which has a 250’ x 42’ asphalt runway, a 400’ turf runway, and a turf control line flying circle. We are an Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) member Club and uphold their rules and guidelines. The AMA is a U.S. national model aviation organization consisting of around 200,000 members with almost 2,400 chartered clubs throughout the United States. Membership in the AMA is required for membership in the SIRS Club.
Mission Statement
The mission of Sentral Illinois Radio Society, Inc. is to provide a suitable flying site for our members and to promote the hobby of Model Aviation to people of all ages. We strive to help guide and educate our members not only in Model Aviation, but also assist members who wish to pursue a career in aviation.

SIRS Inc. Constitution dated 1964
SIRS Club Bylaws as of 7/13/2021
SIRS Club Safety Rules