SIRS Model Airplane Club

Sentral Illinois Radio Society AMA District VI Chapter 621 Founded in 1964

To find directions to our Flying Field Google: SIRS Flying Field

or Scan: the QR Code below.

Next SIRS Club Meeting

January 11th 7:00 pm at St. Mary’s School on West Jackson Street in Bloomington, IL Indoor flying 6:00 PM and after the meeting. Park in the lot behind St. Mary’s Church

Visitors WELCOME!

New sign to be added to the shed. It will be clearly visible from the road and identifies that this is a model airplane airfield!

SIRS Indoor Flying This Year! Almost every Friday (check here to see if a Friday session has been canceled)

Visitors Welcome! Electric or Rubber powered models only!

6:00 to 9:00
Mt. Hope/Funks Grove Park District.
Located on the west side of the School Gym. West Street, Mclean, IL. School gym.

This Website is under construction and will be updated from time to time!!